The Beginnings
Our Church has it's earliest roots with with our Sister congregation St Paul. In 1840 A group of German immigrants settled along the Mississippi and established a Lutheran Church in the Faubourg Marigny. Services were held in their native German language. In 1885, a group of members of St Paul decided to begin services in their new home language of English, and thus First English was born. First English Lutheran Church was formally founded on July 17th, 1888 with its first building coming the next year in the Marigny.

A Blessed 130 Years
First English continued to grow as immigrants and settlers flooded the New Orleans area. A school was established and welcomed families into the thriving Gospel ministry of the church. First English grew to well over 2000 members in the mid 1900's becoming the largest LCMS church South of the Mason-Dixon line. Throughout the 130 year history, the members at First English remained faithful to Word and Sacrament ministry and the Holy and pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Move to Metairie
As many New Orleans residents, including a majority of First English members moved from the city to the Suburbs, First English decided it was time to join them. Ground-breaking was scheduled to take place early September of 2005. As Hurricane Katrina devastated the area, the members of First English stayed resolute and faithful. Despite a brief delay, in 2007 First English completed the new Church building at its present day location on Cleary Ave. in Metairie.

The Future
We welcome you to be a part of our church's future as we strive in faithfulness to make known the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ and God's immeasurable love for us all.