At First English we have two worship services every week:

Traditional Service - Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Every Sunday we worship our Lord in a traditional Lutheran Divine Service setting. Take in His blessings in Word and Sacrament accompanied by hymns on the organ and the historic confession of the Lutheran Church. Help yourself to coffee and donuts before and after the service in the narthex and enjoy fellowship with your Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Parking is right next to the church on Cleary Ave. 

Live Broadcast of the Traditional Service is on the church Facebook page during the restrictions for personal contact and social distancing that we have adopted.

Visitors and Prospective Members
We welcome all to come worship with us and learn more about our amazing God. You can find a map of our location, as well as service times and contact numbers at the bottom of this page. We encourage you to give us your info HERE, because we would like to praise God for your presence among us and find out how we can connect further with you.





Communion Policy

Every guest and visitor who worships with us at First English is an answer to our prayers.  You are always welcome to join us to hear the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  To give you a better understanding of the faith that we at First English confess, we wish to take this opportunity to explain our communion practice.

In keeping with the clear teachings of Holy Scripture and the policy of the Missouri Synod, First English practices close communion (also called closed communion or close(d) communion).  What we mean by this is that we normally offer the Sacrament of the Altar only to those with whom we agree in all articles of Christian doctrine.  Therefore, except in cases of emergency and pastoral discretion, our practice is to invite only those who are communicant members of congregations that are part of, or in official fellowship with, the LCMS to join us at the Lord's Table.  Visitors from sister LCMS congregations who wish to commune are asked to announce themselves to the pastor prior to the service.  One of the ushers will be happy to take you to the pastor to speak with him briefly.  All others are respectfully asked to refrain from taking the Sacrament and encouraged to speak with our pastor about registering for an Adult Instruction Course that will prepare them for a future, informed reception of the Sacrament.